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What  we have to offer:

TUESDAY - 1730 2000 

To take full advantage of our two hour session we tend to focus more on sparring and conditioning. This will include bag work and perfecting our techniques on the pads.


THURSDAY - 1700-1900

During this session we concentrate on kata and kihon, two of the fundementals of Kyokushin.



As we focus on the three main elements of Kyokushin during the week, we reflect on what we have learnt and put it into action with self defence techniques.



Beach training usually comes into play during the spring/summer months of the year. Especially when it comes to grading time.

Grading is every 6 months for adults. However, we make exeptions for juniors and for their first two gradings we wait 3 months per grade up to 8th kyu (blue belt). 

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